Y13 Baseline assessment: Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

 WWW- For each question, you are able to apply knowledge of the theoretical framework with examples of each CSP and clearly analysing the media product

EBI- For Q2, consider media effects theories further. Gerber's cultivation theory may have made audiences believe fictional radio was real (useful). Also hypodermic needle theory, often discredited as audience as 'empty vessels' is not useful. For Q3, sold understanding of both CSP however not enough about how magazines are trying to attract

Marks= 25/40

Grade C

2) Focusing on the BBC Life Hacks question, write three ways it helps to fulfil the BBC's mission statement that you didn't include in your original assessment answer. Use the mark scheme for ideas.

Life Hacks informs Radio 1 listeners about topics and issues they may be experiencing in
their own lives such as managing debt, dealing with gender identity issues or relationship problems. 

Life Hacks offers educational content by addressing issues listeners may not know much
about such as sexual health or mental illness.  The use of a qualified doctor, Dr Radha Modgil, gives the advice authority and is in keeping with the BBC’s place as a trusted public service broadcaster.

Life Hacks plays music from the Radio 1 playlist which provides entertainment for its audience. In addition, audiences may enjoy a sense of diversion and personal identity in listening to problems and advice that they can relate to.

3) Question two asked you how useful media effects theories are in understanding the audience response to War of the Worlds. Complete the following:
  • Gerbner's Cultivation theory: useful or not useful? Why?
Cultivation theory is about how exposure to the media subtly changes the viewer's perception of reality. Gerbner’s idea of ‘mean world syndrome’ – that heavy consumers of media are more likely
to see the world as dangerous – is perhaps reinforced by the reported audience reaction to
the broadcast.
  • Frankfurt School's Hypodermic Needle model: useful or not useful? Why?
The hypodermic needle theory suggests the audience takes in the media like a hypodermic needle and doesn't object or question. Showing the audience passive. The Frankfurt School’s hypodermic needle theory is arguably supported by the reported audience panic following the War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938. However, this theory has been widely discredited and considering a media audience as ‘empty vessels’ is overly simplistic and not useful.
  • Stuart Hall's Reception theory: useful or not useful? Why?
The reception theory suggests how the audience is split between people who may have taken the preferred reading which the producer wanted and some may have taken the negotiated reading.Stuart Hall’s reception theory is arguably more useful than traditional effects theories in
analysing audience reaction – some would have believed it (preferred reading?), other
sections of the audiences would have challenged or rejected it entirely. Even then, was
Welles’s intention to genuinely panic listeners (i.e. the preferred reading)? This is

4) Write a full essay plan for the 25-mark Magazines question. The mark scheme contains plenty of ideas you can use here. Your plan should include notes/bullet points addressing the following:

  • Introduction: one sentence answering the original question and laying out your argument clearly.
Both print industries have successfully adapted to the new technology landscape and have managed to maintain an online target audience.
  • Paragraph 1 content:
Men's health audience. Uses and gratification theory. Surveillance- Audience is provided with solutions and workouts to achieve their goals. Personal Idenity- Readers see their lives and ambitions reflected on the pages. Personal Relationship- They could form a bond with the people who used as inspiration in the magazine like Phillip Howell.
Audiences feel part of the magazine, are rewarded for their knowledge and have their
expectations met. Describe the different pages and show how there is a progressive change
  • Paragraph 2 content:
Oh comely's audience. A clear, distinctive and unique brand which shows their target audiences is clearly niche. Reflects the interest of an educated, largely middle-class, feminist
audience (Speaking out and the interview)
Apply uses and gratification theory. Surivallance- provides information on issues not covered by mainstream media. Personal Identity- Relate to the problems the women share and personal relationship through its use of colours and font on the cover page.
  • Paragraph 3 content:
Men's health's media industry. Decline in print due to the rise in new/digital media: Men’s Health declined sharply, came back up slightly three years ago but has dropped again (around 150,000 circulation currently).
Older audience perhaps maintained by winning formula- Use of colour and font on the front page. Established front cover conventions.
The use of Vin Diesel. Giving the audience what they want.
Using a social media platform to engourage a larger audience.
  • Paragraph 4 content:
Oh Comely's media industry. Reflects a changing media marketplace with small, independent producers finding gaps in the market to connect with niche audiences.
The internet has provided an opportunity for magazines like Oh Comely to find an audience
(and contributors) and not need to rely on major institutions/publishers/distributors/
  • Paragraph 5 content:
Why both have been unsuccessful
Men's Health: 
Men’s Health declined sharply, came back
up slightly three years ago but has dropped again (around 150,000 circulation currently). Fair
to question how successful magazine has been with rapidly declining circulation.

Oh Comely
Could it be argued that Oh Comely is not as successful as it would like to think – very white
and middle class, arguably still reinforces conventional women’s lifestyle topics such as
fashion and beauty even if it is alternative or unobtainable in a different way to mainstream
Has Oh Comely been successful? Lack of independently audited evidence such as ABC figures
(which Men’s Health does provide). The website claims 25,000 readers per issue (so readership
rather than circulation) and 100,000 social media reach – again, arguably not huge.
  • Conclusion: sum up your argument a final time in one sentence
Men's health has done a more successful job at transferring to a digital platform compared to Oh Comely however both have transitioned and are trying to adapt to the new digital landscape. 

5) Finally, identify three key skills/topics you want to work on in A Level Media this year before the final exams in June.
Applying more useful theories
Answering the question
Writing more


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