Magazines: Oh Comely - Industry

Iceberg Press

Visit the Iceberg Press website - particularly the Who Are We page and the Why Are We Here page. Read the content and then answer the following questions:

1) Why did the people behind Iceberg Press set it up?
David believes that lots of magazines have given up on their readers.
Lisa believes in the power of the printed word.
2) What is the Iceberg Press mission statement? (It's on the Why Are We Here page and is a series of statements).
It's all about the audience.
Chase the work, not the money.
Compromise isn't our friend.
We will always make time for ideas.
We are stronger when we work with others.
We want good people to work in a good place.
Every year we will help a cause that matters.
We believe in a thing called Print.

3) What are the two magazines that Iceberg Press publishes?
The Simple Things and Oh Comely.

4) What similarities do you notice between The Simple Things magazine and Oh Comely?
Both magazine target towards niche audiences.

5) What differences can you find between Hearst UK, publisher of Men's Health, and Iceberg Press?

Writer's Edit journal article

Read this excellent Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry and answer the following questions:

1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine?
The independent print magazine is characterised as “published without the financial support of a large corporation or institution in which the makers control publication and distribution…“independent”

2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age?
A small but growing body of evidence suggests that small printed magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter” 

3) What is the aim of Kinfolk magazine and what similarities can you draw with Oh Comely?
“ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family”
They too want to create a magazine for the greater benefit for the reader and help inspire readers.

4) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling?
Bauer Media and News Limited in Australia are struggling to keep readers from moving online. In contrast, those behind independent magazines use digital developments to their advantage and have a strong online presence. These creators set their own terms and rely on collaboration to achieve them.

5) How do independent magazines launch? Look at the example of Alphabet Family Journal.
its online crowdfunding campaign for print publication. 

6) What does the article suggest about how independent publishers use digital media to target their niche audiences?
 Independent magazines resourcefully utilise technological advances as well as social media to operate

7) Why is it significant that independent magazines are owned and created by the same people? How does this change the creative process and direction of the magazine?
Independent magazines are able to hone in on such specific markets because they are owned and developed by the same people: the founders, editors and art directors who share a similar creative vision

8) What does the article suggest regarding the benefits of a 'do-it-yourself' approach to creating independent magazines?
“The term “do-it-yourself/do-it-with-others” emphasises semiotic self-determination in how citizens formulate and live out their identities and actions as citizens”

9) The article discusses the audience appeal of print. Why might audiences love the printed form in the digital age?
This physical print magazine is the output of years of work, both online and in meeting and working with contributors and supporters.

10) What are the challenges in terms of funding and distributing an independent magazine?
The high quality of the print and unique nature of independent magazines' content and design justifies to buyers the high price relative to mainstream weekly and monthly magazines.

Irish Times feature

Now read this short feature in the Irish Times on the growth of independent magazines and answer the following questions:

1) Why are independent magazines so popular?
Their subject matter is as diverse as their production techniques, from mental health to trans rights, from football to streetwear.

2) Why is the magazine publishing industry set up to favour the big global conglomerates?
 the magazine publishing industry is set up to favour the big publishers – those with multiple titles, large sales teams and economies of scale. 

3) What does the article suggest finding an audience for an independent magazine?
Make it too narrow and your audience will be too small. Get it right and you just might have a chance. And once you know who your audience is, many other elements will fall into place.

4) What are the challenges for magazine distributors?
 One big issue is distribution. Shipping boxes of magazines are expensive, and with publishers taking all the risk (they pay for both shipping, and if the magazines don’t sell, the price of shipping them back), it’s key that publishers focus on getting as many direct sales online as possible.

5) The article suggests that many independent magazines only make money by diversifying into other products. What examples do they give?
 The Gentlewoman, The Gourmand, Cereal and Kinfolk
TCO interview with Ruth Jamieson

Finally, read this excellent interview on the TCO London website with Ruth Jamieson, who has written a book on the renaissance of the independent magazine sector. Answer the following questions:

1) Why does Ruth Jamieson suggest there's a renaissance in independent publishing?
Absolutely. It’s never been easier to start your own magazine and find an audience. There’s never been a better time to be a magazine fan. The whole ‘Print is dead’ narrative has turned out to be only half true. The internet has killed or is killing, print, but the only print of the 10-minutes-of-distraction-before-you-chuck-it-in-the-bin variety.

2) What are the common themes for successful independent magazines?
Common themes are doing something no one else is doing, and offering something digital media can’t offer. That and great art direction and editorial, a focus on the reader rather than the advertiser, and having a strong, unique idea at the magazine’s core.

3) How many of these aspects can you find in Oh Comely? Make specific reference to the CSP pages where possible.
The simple aesthetic of the cover
Writing from the editors- making it personal
Covering niche topics

4) How does Jamieson see the future for the magazine industry?
It’s never been easier to start a magazine. But it’s still hard to keep one going for more than a year. Especially as more great mags launch and the newsstands get more competitive. So, I think we’ll see more magazines come and go. But that the standard will continue to rise.
We’ll also see the mainstream starting to look more like the indies. They have to learn from independents if they want to survive. So, there’ll be more investment in content and more focus on producing a quality product, more collectable issues, a move away from trying to compete with the internet and towards doing things only print can do. We’ll also see mainstream magazine branching out beyond their print issues to offer other things, like events, products, educational programmes and experiences.
5) How might this future impact Oh Comely? Do you think Oh Comely will survive the next five years - and why?
Yes since oh comely focuses on feminism and forth of feminism has been increasing popularity over the years, therefore, oh comely will most definitely increase it the product as a business in the following years.


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