MIGRAIN: Industries - Ownership and control
Media conglomerate research 1) Type up your research notes from the lesson - what did you find out about your allocated media conglomerate? Selection of companies: Alphabet, The Walt Disney Company, Comcast, 21st Century Fox, Facebook, Viacom, News Corp, Time Warner. If you were absent or don't have the notes, research any of the companies above and find examples of all the terminology outlined in the notes at the start of this blog post. Conglomerate Ownership Owned by AT&T They own HBO, Warner Bro, Time Inc, The CW Vertical and Horizontal intergration Vertical Integration -> lend cameras to other studio Horizontal Intergration -> news channels Synergy Harry Potter- The Warner brother, the title screen changes Diversification HBO streaming, they use twitter Cross-media regulation They were fairly suspected in their vertical integration 2) Do you agree that governments should prevent media conglomerates...