Men's Health Language & Representation: blog tasks
REPRESENTATION David Gauntlett- The front cover is extremely masculinity, all the aggressive verbs, Vin Diesel looking absolutely hyper masculine, blue black and grey colour scheme very traditional masculine colour. "Slay winter blues, why social's going mental" Relating to mental health- editors letter- talking about achieving happiness- not very hyper masculinity Marathon man feature- Old man read to some extend supports resilience and strength but also suggest an older men dealing with this situation and adjusting with what he can achieve bell hooks- men have unrealstic expections- "slay winter blues" diffrent type of masuclity, achiving happiness is the most imporatnt thing in the editors van Zoonen- Front cover- Vin Diesel- absolute picture of strenght and power. Air brushed- Vin Diesel is clealy photoshop to ephaisise his physique. Language used . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...